Sunday, September 4, 2011

"Off to College" Medicine Chest

Peppermint inhaler for studying, Euclyptus inhaler for sinus or chest congestion, Green clay for zits, Recue remedy,
 St Johnswort and Wild Rose for emotional health, Vitamins C & E, Echinacea and Herbal Vapor Rub.
 A copy of Herbal First Aid booklet. 

This medicine chest is literally 'a mixed bag' of things I wanted to send away to college with my daughter, Xina. She has become used to all variety of herbal cures: steams and honey pills and awful tasting tinctures, so I was happy to include a wide range of herbal products, both commercial and home-made.
(She also took these awesome photographs)

Lavender for anxiety and headaches, as well as  sleeplessness, &
 Balsam Fir for focus on higher goals, strength through community.

Aromatherapy sprays can be sprayed on bedding or clothing, as well as being sprayed into the air as an air-freshener.  Since they are made from pure essential oils, a bit of vodka, and distilled water, they do not stain.

Traditional Medicinal Teas
 A variey of teas.
Nothing is as comforting.

Be sure to steep
 the teas
 for at least 15 minutes,
 covered by a lid,
or in a teapot.

The usual band-aids, etc, for cuts and scrapes.
Arnica, in contrast,
 should only be used on unbroken skin:
 strains, sprains, bruises and the like.

Coughs, constipation, toothache, stomachache...


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