Thursday, September 1, 2011

Earthquakes, Hurricanes and Travel

This past month has been tumultuous.  Mother Nature first shaking and then throwing us a curveball of spinning water in the form of Hurricane Irene, dumping 10+ inches of water all up the east coast and into Vermont and New Hampshire. Torrential, scouring, and perhaps also rejuevinating what is not swept away.

 It brings to mind a saying from an Iroquois elder that I came across some years ago.

There is a river flowing very fast
It is so swift that there are those who will be afraid.
They will try to hold on to the shore. 
They will feel they are being torn apart and will suffer greatly.

Know that the river has a destination.

The Elders say that we must let go of the Shore.
Push off into the Middle of the River.

Keep our eyes Open and our heads above the Waters.

And I say, see who is there with you & Celebrate.

At this time in our history we are to take nothing personally, least of all ourselves. 
For the moment we do --- our spiritual growth comes to a halt.

The time of the lone wolf is over.
Gather Yourselves together.

Banish the word Struggle from your attitude and vocabulary. 
All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner
In Celebration

In the midst of all this, I have been traveling, first to Maine and from there directly to Cape May, New Jersey, three days home and then off to New Hampshire for Women's Herbal Conference, home again to pack up my youngest and deliver her to college, driving directly through NYC at night, skyline beckoning. At each locale I was able to do some gathering, (retail heaven at the Conference!) and returned laden with goodies., many of which got assembled into an herbal medicine chest that I sent to school with Xina.  This included:

1. Five vials of Ginseng extract from Chinatown.  In small doses, it is a fall energy tonic, and in full-vial doses it is good for late-night studying or for hangovers. (!)
2. An assortment of teas: Traditional Medicinals Teas: Heartburn Tea, Breathe Easy, Throat Coat, etc.  These formulas have all been developed by Rosemary Gladstar, who recently presided at the  Herbal Conference, and are wonderful. Also Pollution Solution Tea a wonderful mix good for detox after a day in the city, and Catnip for cramps, both stomach and menstrual. Steep 10+ minutes with a lid!
3. Aromamists: Lavender for sleep, Mint and Orange for studying, and Eucalyptus with Sandalwood to clear the air.
4. Yarrow Flower Essence to banish negativityand Wild Rose Flower Essence for exhaustion and despair.  Rescue Remedy for accidents, emergencies and for shock.  St Johnswort tincture for mild depression.
5. Aloe vera gel for burns, Arnica cream for muscle soreness and overexercising. Calendula Cream
6 Assorted band-aids, gauze pads and tape, alcohol wipes, Benedryl and Motrin.

Photos will follow.
Time to get back to work, to hit the books, unpack from all my travels and to reorganize the stillroom in preparation for the last of the harvesting signalled by these cool crisp autumnal days.

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